Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/78

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for I am sorrowful of foreign sin! Mother, I now take a look at you – not a word; a smile would satisfy me. It would be a blessing . . . Oh, Mother – I wish for blessing and love like never before . . . I'm sickened and weak, should you not bless me. (A pause). Your mouth is firm, your eyes are silent . . . Stand up, traveler – no farewell for you!

Jerman. (Takes a candle from the left, carrying it to the workbench; there they take a look at the wall where a crucifix is.) You are there? I haven't come to see you insofar. Nice to meet you, the DEVIL OF NAZARETH! Now I know you – and your heart! (Uncloaks the table drawer and takes out a revolver.) Who to say farewell to? Who will answer once I call for them?

Mother's voice. (From within the chamber). Franc!

Lojzka's voice. (From outside). Franc!

Lojzka enters from the back.

Jerman. You heard my calls! Dear soul! Let it bless us! Bless us for a renowned life! (The two of them exit on the left).