The Sainsbury House Magazine
By Way of Introduction
We are pleased to be able to offer for your approval the first number of The J. S. Journal the SAINSBURY HOUSE MAGAZINE.
By way of introduction we should like to set forth some of the aims and objectives at which we are striving. Firstly, we are endeavouring to produce a common link between the Blackfriars and Branch folk—which we hope will assist in the mutual understanding of each others' problems — of the other chap's point of view—if we do nothing more we shan't be doing too badly. Secondly, we hope to publicize the activities of the Staff Association and its various functions, and by so doing, lend a hand in its continued success. Thirdly, to provide intelligent and entertaining reading which we will do our very best to make of general interest to everything.
Copy No. 1 is rather in the nature of an "austerity" edition. We hope, as restrictions relax, to be able to improve both quality and quantity and are aiming at a monthly edition eventually, although in the early stages we shall probably satisfy ourselves with a publication every other month.
The Directors have decided that the whole cost will be borne by the Firm and all copies will, therefore, be free, although as already inferred, in the early stages at least, there will not, unfortunately, be a copy for everybody.
Finally, we point out that the continued existence and prosperity of this magazine will depend on your support. W e shall expect your criticisms, views, and suggestions. Articles, or suggestions for articles, photographs, comments, and in fact anything which you think may be of interest, will be most welcome. We hope, also, to be able to publish a limited amount of correspondence.
Bearing all this in mind we hope you will enjoy COPY NO. 1—we look forward to your comments.
As the publication of this first number so nearly coincides with Christmas may we wish all readers the compliments of the Season.