A Message from Mr. John
Stamford House.
London, SE1 December,1946.
To all members of the Staff: I understand that in future issues of the "J.S. Journal" this space will normally be occupied by the General Managers, who hope to be able to discuss and explain matters of policy It is, I think, a happy co- which are likely to be of interest to the staff as a whole. In the first issue, however, I felt that I would like to take the opportunity both of welcoming this new enterprise and of sending a message to you all. incidence that the production of the "J.S. Journal" should follow so closely upon the creation of the Staff Association. I hope that together they may be taken as heralding the advent of a wider social life amongst the Sainsbury community, and so forging stronger links of friendship between those whose work keeps them apart at different branches, or in different parts of the Depot. You will all understand that it is It will be 62 years next month since I first joined my father in the business. no longer possible for me to maintain the same contact with you as in former days, although my interest in the business and in the individual success and happiness of each one of you remains undiminished. The recent dance at the Lyceum was an especially happy I am afraid that there were many more that occasion for me, in that it enabled me to meet such a number of my old friends; I would like to have had a word with, had time and the crowd permitted, and to those I now send my best regards. I have been particularly interested to hear of the progress made by the younger men, and of the way those returning from National Service have taken up afresh their interrupted careers. The majority of the thousands who temporarily left the Firm to undertake National Service have now returned, and to each one I extend a very hearty welcome, with my personal good wishes for their future. A Happy Christmas and a successful New Year to you all! Stainsbury