Q. Have you any fixed lights in the Lodge?
A. Yes.
Q. How many?
A. Three.
N.B.—These fixed lights are three windows, supposed, though vainly, to be in every room where a Lodge is held; but more properly, by the four cardinal points, according to the ancient rules of Masonry.
Q. How are they situated?
A. East, South, and West; to light the men to, at, and from their work.
Q. Why are there no lights in the North?
A. Because the sun darts no rays from thence.
Q. Where stands your Master?
A. In the East.
Q. Why so?
A. As the sun rises in the East, and opens the day; so the Master stands in the East, with his right hand upon his left breast, being a sign, and the square about his neck, to open the Lodge, and set his men to work.
Q. Where stands your Wardens?
A. In the West.
Q. What is their business?
A. As the Sun sets in the West, to close the day; so the Wardens stand in the West, with their right hands upon their left breasts, being a sign, and the Level and Plumb-rule about their necks, to close the Lodge, and dismiss the men from their labour, paying their wages.
Q. Where stands the Senior Entered Prentice?
A. In the South.
Q. What is his business?
A. To hear and receive instructions, and welcome strange brothers.