Q. Where stands the junior Entered Prentice?
A. In the North.
Q. What is his business?
A. To keep off cowans and eves-droppers.
Q. If a cowan or listener is catched, how is he to be punished?
A. He is to be placed under the eves of the houses in rainy weather, till the water run in at his shoulders and out at his shoes. Q. What are the secrets of a Mason?
A. Signs, Tokens, and many words.
Q. Where do you keep those secrets?
A. Under my left breast.
Q. Have you any key to those secrets?—A. Yes.
Q. Where do you keep it?
A. In a bone-box, that neither opens nor shuts but with ivory keys.
Q. Does it hang, or does it lie?
A. It hangs.
Q. What does it hang by?
A. By a tow-line, nine inches or a span.
Q. What metal is it made of?
A. No manner of metal at all, but a tongue of good report behind a brother's back, or before his face.
N.B.—The key is the tongue, the bone-box the teeth, the tow line the root of the mouth.
Q. How many Principles are there in Masonry?
A. Four.
Q. What are they?
A. Point, Line, Superficials and Solid.
Q. Explain them?
A. Point, the centre line, round which the Master cannot err: Length, without breadth.— Superficials, length and breadth. Solid comprehends the whole.