Q. How many principal signs are there?
A. Four.
Q. What are they?
A. A Gutteral, the throat; Pectoral, the breast; Manuel, the hand; Pedestal, the feet.
Q. What do you learn by being a Gentleman Mason?
A. Secrecy, morality, and good fellowship.
Q. What do you learn by being an Operative Mason?
A. To hew, square, mould stone, lay a level, and raise a perpendicular.
Q. Have you seen your Master to-day?—A. Yes.
Q. How was he cloathed?
A. In a yellow jacket, and a blue pair of breeches.
N.B.—The yellow jacket is the compasses, the blue breeches is the steel points.
Q. How long do you serve your Master?
A. From Monday morning till Saturday night.
Q. How do you serve him?
A. With chalk, charcoal, and earthern pan.
Q. What do they denote? A. Freedom, fervency, and zeal.
Ex. Give me the Entered Prentice's Sign.
Resp. Extending the four fingers of the right hand, and drawing them across his throat, is the Sign, and demands a Token.
N.B.—A Token is, by joining the ball of the thumb of the right hand to the first knuckle of the fore-finger of the Brother's right hand, that demands a Word. Ex. Give me the Word.
Resp. I will letter it with you.
Ex. BOAZ. N.B.—The Ex. says B. Resp. O. Ex. A. Resp. Z., i. e. BOAZ.