Page:Jessy, the flower o' Dunblane.pdf/3

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ne'er saw a nymph I could ca' my dear lassie,
Till charm'd wi‘ sweet Jessie the flower o' Dumblane.
ho'mine were the station o'loftiest grandeur,
‘Midst its profusion I‘d languish in vain,
n' reckon as naething the height o'its splendour
If wanting sweet Jessy the flower o‘Dumblane.


Chatham town their liv'd a worthy merchantman,
He had an only daughter as you shall understand
This lady she was courted by many a noble knight,
But there was none but Jack the Sailor could gain her hearts delight.
Could gain, &c.

Her waiting maid standing by, unto her father went,
And told to him the secret, his daughter’s whole [intent
He called on his daughter with pride disdain
Lying, good morrow Mrs Frazer, this was her true love’s name.

T'is the news, my daughter, that 1 have heard of thee,

Young Jack he shall be pressed and you confin[ed be;