Page:Jessy, the flower o' Dunblane.pdf/4

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It’s here is my body, you may it then confine,
But there is none but Jack the Sailor can gain this heart of mine.

It’s here is twenty guineas I give to thee,
If that you'll press young Jack to the wars of Germany.
As Jack he‘s gone on board he'l never more return,
I’ll wed at your disposal if you will et me free,

It’s now she's set at liberty, dress’d up in mansion array,
Looking for an officer to carry her away;
Jack he‘s now on board with a sore and troubled mind,
For the leaving of his country and darling close confin'd

Your name we must have Sir, before on board you go,
Then you shall have quickly, it is Jack Munro,
This lady’s gone on board with a troubled mind:
To laud in French Flanders it was her wish'd design.

Now she's landed over reviewed for to be,
Standing in the ranks her own true love did see.
She stepped up unto him and thus to him did say,

By your features an Englishman you be,