Page:Jessy, the flower o' Dunblane.pdf/5

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If that you be willing whatever may betide,
I'll be your loyal comrade, and lie down by your side.
The drums did beat and trumpets did sound,
Unto the field of battle they were all called along

They fought on with valour, they fought couragiously,
Until two officers and a private by her did lie;
The officers took notice and unto her did say,
For the valour you have shewn preferred you shall be.

A majors commission on you we will bestow.
And you may push your fortune brave Jack Munro,
Looking through the wounded men, her own true love did see,
She says my loving com’rade they have preferred me.

A major‘s commission unto me they will bestow
The doctor that can cure you, shall be paid by Munro,
She called for a minister & bade them step aside
And would call them up again when she woo'd her bride.

It's I’ll not be groom, but groom's man I‘ll be,
For I never will be married till my Molly I do see

He stripped down her snow white breasts some private mark to shew,