Page:Jolly chaise driver.pdf/6

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And while men have liberty
who wou'd bave a wife,

I'll go to the ale houſe,
a ſixpence for to ſpend,
I'll go to the ale houſe,
all for to treat a friend,
I have no wife to cold me,
I'm free from any ſtrife,
And while we have ſuch liberty,
who wou'd have a wife.

Drunk as I can be,
to my laſſe I go,
My laſſie ſhe receives me,
her mother ſays me no,
She gives a night's lodging,
to comfort my life,
While men have ſuch liberty,
who would have a wife,

But after in wedlock,
you mean to be tied,
The caſe it will be alter'd,
to you on every ſide,
Then you muſt provide,

for a proud ſcornfull wife