Page:Jolly chaise driver.pdf/7

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Your liberty is gone,
and the joy of your life,

Horns will adorn you,
It's very well known,
They will bring you little children,
that' none of your own,
Squaling and brawling
confuſion and ſtrife,
Deliver us good Lord,
from a proud and ſcornful wife.


WHAT pleaſure and paſtime,
a married man fee,
Who walks up and down,
and enjoys ſweet liberty,
Who walk up and down,
takes the pleafur in life,
And ſince we have ſuch happineſs,
who wou'd but have a wife.

The more you do ramble,
The leſs ſatisfaction,
you ever will find,
You may ramble and rove,

all the days of your life,