Page:Jolly chaise driver.pdf/8

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And never know the bleſſing,
you receive from a wife.

If that you will
now be ſincere,
It's of a young couple,
that married was,
And in loving each other,
ſpend a happy life,
Since there are fuch bleſſings,
who wou'd but have a wife.

If that in ſickneſs,
you chance for to ly,
Your wife will attend you
and ever be nigh,
She will give you things,
to comfort your life,
And theſe and ſuch happineſs,
who wou'd not have a wife,

Old Adam he was,
the first man was born,
He was king over all,
and the earth was his own,
He had all things in nature,
to ſupport his life,
Yet ne'er had the happineſs,
till he got a wife. FINIS.