R. caii'na, Linn., var. tonienteUa, Leman. In hedges between Easton and FresliWciter, very cliaracteristic; also near Eyde (J. G. Baker), var. Jndevageiisis, Bast.; in a hedge just out of Calbourne, westward (J. Gr. Baker), var. dumetonim, Tliuill.; in Rosemary Lane, near Eyde (J. (t. Baker).
R. syfifijla, Woods. Hedge at Oakfield, near Ryde! (Dr. Bell Salter).
Cratfpyiis Oxyacantha, L. I have seen C. monoyyna, Jacq., only.
Epilolj'nim obscunan, Sclireb. Pan Common (1858), Newchurch, Shanklin, etc.; but far less common than E. tetragonum, which is very fre- quent along roadside ditches, in wet copses, etc.
[(Enothera odorata, Jacq., was sown by nie on St. Helen's Spit, about 1858, and has since been seen growing there by Dr. Trimen and Mr. F. Stratton.]
CuUUriche liamnlata, Kiitz. In a pool, at Staplers, near Newport (F. Stratton). This specimen has the narrow elongated lower leaves so cha- racteristic of the plant when growing in mountain lakes, but the upper leaves and fruit are precisely the same as in the Callitrlche which grows at Knigliton, and has leaves all short and nariowly obovate.
A barrtu form of C. vernalis, with the leaves all linear, occurs in streams, and this, when cultivated, soon produces the obovate upper leaves charac- teristic of C. vernalis.
C. obtiisangiila, Le Gall. In ditches running through Barnsley Marshes, on the north side of Bradiug Harbour (' Journal of Botany,' Vol. VIII. 1870, p. 342).
Obs. Ceratophyllnin, Major Smith has left a note to the effect that it was probably 6'. demersiim which Dr. Bronifield found at the back of Lower Morton Farm, and that he had himself found it in the same locality. I have often searched for it without success. CUara and MyriopJiylluin both grow in these ditches. Dr. Bromtield states in the ' Phytologist ' that Ceratopltyllum is wanting in the Isle of Wight.
Obs. Lythrum Hyssopifolia, L., has not been rediscovered, though often sought, and Mr. Stratton has ascertained that Mr. Kirkpatrick always believed that it had been introduced with grass seeds sown in the meadow which lies on the east bank of the Medina, close to Mr. Kirk- patrick's garden.
■\Sedum Telepliium, L., purpurascens, Koch. Beckett's Copse, Fresh- water. On a hedgebank near Godshill; but in the latter station asso- ciated with a foreign shrub and probably introduced. South side of Brixton Down (Gamier and Poulter in ' Hampshire Repository,' p. 120).
fltibbs. All the three species, though seemingly wild in many dif- ferent localities, are, 1 suspect, like the Wild Apple, always the offspring of seeds scattered by birds or carried by streams from the parent shrubs so generally cultivated in gardens.
Ghrywsplt'ninm oppositifoUuvi, L. Almost entirely restricted to the sand. The only place where I have seen it on the north side of the chalk is along a little stream running from Nunvvell Down to Brading, and. Mr. Stratton finds it sparingly in Spring Lane, Carisbrooke.
."^^Siuyrnium Olnsatru7n, L. Wild enough at present; but, I believe, always an escape from, or the remains of, former cultivation.
Helosciadium nodijiorum, L., var. ochreatum, De Cand. Ditches on St. Helen's Green. This is the //. rejpens of most English authors, but not of Continental writers, who all agree in ascribing a general involucre
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