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of several leaves to //. repens, and this I have not seen in any British specimens, exeept those preserved in Sir J. E. Smith's Herbarium, as from Guillane Links, near Edinbnrgh.

Grithinimi maritbtmm, L. A few roots on a narrow strip of shingly beach at the west mouth of Newtown Creek, a most nnnsual locality. At Norton, and in Gurnet Bay (F. Stratton). Dr. Triraen has noticed a similar kind of station on the beach at Hayling Island.

[Fiscum album, L. On an Apple-tree in the garden at Osl)orne, where it has been noticed for many years (J. Pristo). Introduced and growing luxuriantly in Mr. Dennett's garden at Carisbrooke (F. Stratton) .]

Sambncns nigra, L., var. rotnndifoUa, Bromf. A young bush with leaves trifoliate, but less exactly round, and more serrated than in Dr. Bromfield's plant, was found by j\Ir. Hambrough and myself near St. Lawrence,

Galium, hybrids. G. vero-moUngo. In 1858, I gathered in a hedge on Ashey Down a few specimens intermediate between G. Mollugo and G. verum. The two specimens which I have preserved are diiferent from each other. One, with broader and more pubescent leaves, shows more resemblance to G. Molhxjo ; the other, with narrow leaves, is more like G. verum.. These apparently answer to the descriptions given of G. approximatum and G. decolorans by Grenier and Godron, ' Flore de France,' vol. ii. pp. 19, 20, and Boreau, ' Flore du Centre de la France,' ed. 3, p. 302.

? G. ereclum, Huds. Dr. Boswell-Syme has kindly examined some specimens of the small Galium of the Chalk Downs, gathered at Bembridge and at Freshwater, and thinks they should be referred to G.erectum rather than O. MuUufjo. (See Dr. Bromfield's remarks in ' Phytologibt,' o. s., vol. iii. p. 423.)

Q. paluslre, L., var. eloiKjalum, Presl. Not unfreqnent along the ditches in Sandown Level.

[Crucianella stylosa, Trin. Well established in a lane leading from the Carisbrooke road to the Castle road, (F. Stratton), 1800-8. (See Jonrn. Bot. Vol. VII. p. 316. A native of Persia.]

^Ceutranthus ruber, De Cand. Quite naturalized, and yearly increas- ing on the cliffs to the west of Niton.

Valeriana officinalis, L. The form sambucifolia is the only one which I have seen.

[Falerianella carinata, Lois. Appeared occasionally as a weed in the garden at Vectis Lodge, Bembridge, where it was not intentionally culti- vated.]

  • Nardosuiia fragrans, Eeich. I have observed for many years thoroughly

established about Bembridge, Shanklin, Ryde, Wootton Bridge, etc., and I believe that it may be counted as truly naturalized.

Cineraria campestris, Ketz. F'ound in 1868 by ]\Ir. J. G. Baker and Dr. G, R. Tate growing plentifully on the south-east slope of Westover Down, close to the road passing through Calbourne Bottom. The words " Belhan, pi. I. W.," quoted by Dr. Bromficld from the ' Hampshire Repository,' are not necessarily intended for any locality, but should doubtless be read as referring to Relhan's Plate in his 'Flora Cantabrigiensis,' whiciris quoted by Garnier and Poulter as the authority for Cineraria alpina, just as on the same page (121) " With, pi.," must be read as a reference to a plate in Withering. The letters " I. W." simply indicate, as in other cases, that the plant had been seen somewhere iu the Isle of Wight.

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