- T. pon-ifoliHs, L. By a stream running into the Medina below New-
port (P. Strattou) ; bank near East Medina Mill (J. Pristo). I do not know whether it is permanently established.
SoHchus oleraceus, L., var. lacerus, Willd. Foot of WliiteclifF, and banks by the shore between Luccombe and Bonchurch.
Taraxacum officinale, Wigg., var. ert/throspennum, Andrz. Sandhills at St. Helen's Spit and chalk downs, frequent.
T. officinale, var. T. icdum, Jordan. Wet pastures near Bembridgc and St. Helen's. Dr. Bell Salter's specimens from near Eyde belong to this form, and not to the typical T. palustre, which, so far as I know, has not yet been found in the Isle of Wight.
\_Crepis bieimis, L. Appeared (1868) as a troublesome weed in a field recently laid down in Grass at Alverstone, Whippingham (J. Pristo and F. Strattou).]
[C. setosu, Hall. Clover fields near Totland's Bay, at Boldner and at Compton (J. G. Baker) ; Headou Hill and Thorley (Dr. G. R. Tate).] {To be continued?)
By W. T. Thiselton Dyer, B.A., B.Sc.
Floras for the counties drained by the upper waters of the Thames are still to be worked out. It would be an interesting contribution towards them to explore thoroughly the country about Oxford, taking both sides of the Thames valley, although distinguishing, of course, for the benefit of future workers in each county, the plants which belong to Oxfordshire and Berkshire. Botanists residing at the University unfortunately go away too soon in the summer and come back too late to do very much, yet even what is to be seen of the local vegetation is well worth liunting up. As little has been published since Walker's ' Flora ' (which is quite out of date), the following notes will probably be useful to some readers of the ' Journal of Botany :' —
Ranunculus pHeudofiidtans, Newb. ex Bab. — The marshy meadows about Oxford are intersected by numerous anastomosing branches of the Thames. In early summer these are often covered by dense masses of an aquatic Ranunculus, bearing a profusion of large and handsome flowers. It seems to me a state of R.jlonbundus, Bab., without floating leaves, which is all I take R. pseudofluilans to be.
R. Drouetii, Schultz, a Batrachian, distinguishable from R. Iricho- phyllus, Chaix, by its collapsing leaves, is probably distributed throughout the Thames basin. Near Bablock Hythe Ferry, Berks.
R. fluitans. Lam. — 1 never detected this species myself, probably from its being a Juue-iiowering plant, and later, therefore, than pseudojluitans, which is at its prime in May. I have what I take to be an example of it from Professor Lawson. Water-plants come to the front or rather sur- face, make their show of flowei's, aud retire in regular succession (see he- low with respect to Potumogeion^. The useful observers who attend to the time of flowering would do really important work if they would fix for us the date at which plants are at their fullest development, which I take it would be when they have a maximum number of flowers exiJanded.
VOL. IX. [may 1, 1S71.] L
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