- Inula Helenium, L. Rough, bushy ground north of Luccombe
Chine, in one spot only ; border of Wooclhouse Copse, Osborne (J. Pristo) ; near Norton and Shalfleet (Dr. G. E. Tate) ; in a field neiir Totland Biiy and at Gurnet (R. Tucker) ; a plant or two near Alvington (F. Stratton). I believe always the remains of ancient cultivation, though now thoroughly at home in many difi'erent localities.
Pulicaria vuh/aris, Gaert. On the west side of the Wilderness at Rookley (A. J. Hambrough).
Filo(jo spathidala, Presl. In sandy fields about Alverstone, Grove, Newchurch, Bordwood, etc. ; roadside on Messley Down and near Thorley Farm. At Brook, Colwell and Freshwater (H. C. Watson).
•\Tanaretvm vnhjare, Linn. Bank above the road near Alverstone Lynch ; edge of a sandpit by the road near Bembridge Farm ; at the west moutli of Wootton Creek ; east bank of the Medina, below Newport (F. Stratton). In all cases probably an escape from cultivation.
Arcliuui maJHs, Schk. Hedgebank, near the Quay at Brading (1858); copse, between Yar Bridge and Sandown; Whitefield Wood ; Marshcombe Copse, Yaverhmd ; in Sea View Bay ; Appuldurcombe Park. In the Wilderness at Rookley (T. W. Beddoine). ^Decidedly rare.
A. intermedium, Lange, A.puhfns, Bab. Ashey Down (1859); Shank- lin ; Luccombe , Newchurch ; Godshill, etc. Not unfrequent, and shows a decided preference for a calcareous soil. Near Bembridji'e I have found what I believe to be A. nemorosuin, Lej. ; but I do not feel certain that I have properly distinguished it.
A. minus, Schk. Bembridge; Ashey; Sandown; Pan Common, etc. Apparently the commonest form.
" Canhiiis Forsteri." Dr. Bromfield's specimen preserved at Kew is very like C. paluntris, with, perhaps, a slight dash of C. arvensis rather than C pratensis. Nageli describes a hvbrid, C. arvensi-palnslre, in Koch, Syn. Fl. Germ. p. 1000.
Cenlanrea nigra, L. After collecting a large number of specimens, I have felt quite unable to refer them with any coufideuce to the various plants described in the French Floras. Usually the Centaurea with radiant florets has smaller heads, and the scales of the involucre less closely covered. These characters are also found in a dwarf plant without radiant florets gathered on Bembridge Down, which I believe is the same as that which Mr. Stratton finds on the Downs near Newport with rayed florets. I feel sure no reliance can be placed upon the different length or amount of pappus, as on plants otherwise exactly alike I have found it long and short and wanting. With regard to the form described by Mr. Stratton in the 'Exchange Club Report' for ] 869, I should refer his n. 1 to C. nemoraUs of Jordan, which I have noticed not unfrequently in the damp, clayey meadows about Bembridge, this being apparently the typical C. nigra as understood in England. Mr. Stratton's no. 3 — the plant common on chalky banks seems to be C. seroiina, Bor., (the var. decipiens of Babington), to which I should also refer the dwarf plant of the Chalk Downs, whether rayed or not. Mr. Stratton's no. 2 is some- what intermediate, but nearer to C. serotina.
■\Hyi)ochceris glabra, L. Sandy cultivated field near Alverstone Mill, by the footpath to Newchurch.
Tragopogon pratensis, L., var. grandijlorus, Syme. In a lane near Easton, Freshwater (J. G. Baker).
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