Page:Journal of the First Congress of the American Colonies (1765).djvu/12

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dutiful address to his majesty and the parliament, will be prepared by the congress, praying as well for the removal of the grievances the colonies labor under at present, .a.s for preventing others for the future; which petitions, if drawn up, as far as you shall be able to judge, agreeable to the mind of the house, you are empowered to sign and forward; and you are to lay a copy of the same before this house, and make report of your proceedings upon your return.[1]

It is the hearty prayer of this house, that the congress maybe endued with that wisdom which is from above, and that their councils and determinations may be attended with the divine blessings.


From the colony of Rhode Island and Providence .Plantations, Metcalf Bowler, and Henry Ward, Esqs., who produced the following appointment, viz:

By the honorable SAMUEL Wsnn, governor, captain-general and commander-in-chief of and over the English colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New-England in America.. `-

To Metcalf Bowler, and Henry Ward Esqs. Gnssrnw:

Whereas, the general assembly of this province have nominated and appointed you, the said Metcalf Bowler and Henry Ward, to be commissioners in behalf of this colony, to meet such commissioners as are or shall be appointed by the other British governments in North America, to meet at New-York on the first Tuesday of October next.

  1. The render may remark in these commissions with how great authority lu right qfinltnsction is assumed.-#Em Rza,