I do, therefore, hereby authorize and empower, and
commission you, the said Metcalf Bowler and Henry
Ward, forthwith to repair to New-York, and there, in behalf
of this colony, to meet and join with the other commissioners
in consulting together on the present circumstances
of the colonies, and the difficulties to which they
are and must be reduced by the operation of the act of
parliament for levying duties and taxes upon the colonies;
and to consider of a general and united, dutiful, loyal and
humble representation to his majesty and the parliament.
and to implore relief And you are also hereby ernpowered
to conclude and agree with 'the other commissioners,
upon such measures as you shall think necessary
and proper for obtaining redress of the grievances of the
colonies, agreeably to the instructions given you by the
general assembly of this colony.
Given under my hand and the seal of the said colony this 16th day of September, 1765, and in the fifth year of his majesty's reign. SAMUEL Wann.
By his honor's command.
HENRY Wann, Secretary.
From the colony of Connecticut-Eliphelet Dyer, l)avid Rowland, Wm. Samuel Johnson. Esqs., who produced the following appointment, viz: `
Whereas, it has been proposed that a congress be attended by commissioners from the several governments on this continent, to confer upon a general, united, humble, loyal and dutiful representation to his majesty and the parliament, of the present circumstances of the colonies and