Page:Journal of the First Congress of the American Colonies (1765).djvu/21

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and of the great infringement of the liberties and just established rights of all his ma jesty's colonies on this continent, occasioned by the late measures in England; and being of opinion that the method 'proposed by the honorable house of assembly of the province of Massachusetts Bay, is the most likely to obtain a redress of these grievances; and taking into consideration the misfortune we at present labor under, in not having it in our power to convene, as a. house, and in a regular manner, to appoint a. committee; yet zealous for the happiness of our constituents, think it our duty, in this way, to serve them as much as in us lies, assured of the hearty approbation of any future house of assembly of this government; and, therefore, do hereby nominate and appoint Jacob Kollock, Thomas M'Kean, and Caesar Rodney, Esqrs., three of the representatives of the same government, a committee, to repair to the city of New-York on the first day of October next, and there to join with the committees sent by the other provinces, in one united and loyal petition to his majesty, and remonstrate to the honorable house of commons of Great Britain, against the aforesaid acts of parliament, therein dutifully, yet most firmly, asserting the colonies' right of exclusion from parliamentary taxation; and praying that they may not, in any instance, be stripped of their ancient and most valuable privilege of a trial by their peers, and most humbly imploring relief

In testimony whereof; we have hereunto set our hands, at New Castle, the twenty-first day of September, Annoque Domini, 1765.

EVAN Rlcz,

Tnonss Coox,

WILLIAH Alursrnona,


Joan Evms.