Page:Journal of the First Congress of the American Colonies (1765).djvu/22

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Kent county, to wit: t,

We, whose names are here underwritten, members of the general assembly of the government of the counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, upon Delaware, for the said county of Kent, though sensible of the impropriety of assuming the functions of assemblymen during the recess of our house, yet zealous to concur in any measure which may be productive of advantage to this government and the other British colonies on the continent of America in general, have appointed, and, as rnuch as in us lies, do appoint, Jacob Kollock, Esq., Caesar Rodney Esq., and Thomas M'Kean, Esq., members of said assembly, to be a committee, to meet with the other committees already appointed, or to be appointed, by the several and respective assemblies of said other colonies, at the city of New-York, on the first Tuesday in October next, in conjunction with the other committees, to consider of the present distressful circumstances of the said colonies; occasioned, in some measure as (we apprehend) by several late acts of parliament, and to join with them in an humble address to his most gracious majesty, and the parliament of Great Britain, for the redress of our grievances, or i.n any other expedient that shall be agreed on, by the said committees, which may tend to promote the utility and welfare of the British dominions in America.

JOHN Vrmnc,

JOHN Caron,

Joan Bumzs,

Wrnnrsu KILLEN,

VINCENT Locxannuu. `

Sqn. iam, 1765.

Sussex county, to wit:

We, whose names are here underwritten, members of the general assembly of the government of the counties of