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1. E. Q. Adams and P. W. Cobb, “The effect on foveal vision of bright and dark surroundings,” J. Exp. Psych. 5, 39 (1922).

2. E. Q. Adams, “X-Z planes in the 1931 I. C. I. system of colorimetry,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 30, 657A (1940).

3. G. K. Adams, “An experimental study of memory color and related phenomena,” Am. J. Psych. 34, 359 (1923).

4. P. Angier, “Uber den Einfluss des Helligkeitskontrastes auf Farbenschwellen,” Zeits. f. Sinnesphysiol. 41, 343 (1906).

5. I. A. Balinkin, “Industrial color tolerances,” Am. J. Psych. 52, 428 (1939).

6. E. G. Boring, A History of Experimental Psychology (Century, New York, 1929).

7. E. G. Boring, The Physical Dimensions of Consciousness (Century, New York, 1933).

8. E. G. Boring, “Isochromatic contours,” Am. J. Psych. 49, 130 (1937).

9. E. G. Boring, “The psychophysics of color tolerance,” Am. J. Psych. 52, 384 (1939).

10. P. J. Bouma, “Grundlinien einer allgemeinen Theorie der Farbenmetrik. I,” Proc. Kon. Akad. Wet. 38, 35 (1935); ibid. II, 38, 148 (1935).

11. P. J. Bouma and G. Heller, “Grundlinien einer allgemeinen Theorie der Farbenmetrik. III.”’ Proc. Kon. Akad. Wet. 38, 258 (1935).

12. M. C. Bradley, “Systems of color classification,’ Tech. Studies 6, 240 (1938).

13. F. L. Dimmick, “A reinterpretation of the color-pyramid,” Psych. Rev. 36, 83 (1929).

14. F. L. Dimmick and C. H. Holt, “Gray and the colorpyramid,” Am. J. Psych. 41, 284 (1929).

15. K. S. Gibson and D. Nickerson, “An analysis of the Munsell color system based on measurements made in 1919 and 1926,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 30, 591 (1940).

16. J. J. Glenn and J. T. Killian, “Trichromatic analysis of the Munsell Book of Color,” Mass. Inst. Tech. Thesis (1935); J. Opt. Soc. Am. '30, 609 (1940).

17. P. H. Geiger and F. A. Firestone, “The estimation of fractional loudness,” J. Acous. Soc. Am. 5, 25 (1933).

18. I. H. Godlove, “Neutral value scales. II. A comparison of results and equations describing values scales,“ J. Opt. Soc. Am. 23, 419 (1933).

19. C. H. Graham, “Psychophysics and behavior,” J. Gen.Psych. 10, 299 (1934).

20. J. P. Guilford,Psychometric Methods (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1936).

21. L. B. Ham and J. S. Parkinson, “Loudness and intensity relations,” J. Acous. Soc. Am. 3, 511 (1932).

22. A. C. Hardy, Handbook of Colorimetry (Technology Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1936).

23. J. E. Tyler and A. C. Hardy, “An analysis of the original Munsell color system,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 30, 587 (1940).

24. I. A. Haupt, “The selectiveness of the eye’s response to wave-length and its change with change of intensity,” J. Exp. Psych. '5, 347 (1922).

25. H. Helson, “Fundamental problems in color vision.” I. The principle governing changes in hue, saturation, and lightness of non-selective samples in chromatic illumination,”’ J. Exp. Psych. 23, 439 (1938).

26. H. Helson, “Color constancy, conversion, contrast and adaptation,”’ Psych. Bull. 35, 672 (1938).

27. H. Helson, “Color tolerances as affected by changes in composition and intensity of illumination and reflectance of background,” Am. J. Psych. '52, 406 (1939).

28. H. Helson and V. B. Jeffers, “Fundamental problems in color vision. II. Hue, lightness, and saturation of selective samples in chromatic illumination,” J. Exp. Psych. '26, 1 (1940).

29. H. Helson and D. B. Judd, “A study in photopic adaptation,” J. Exp. Psych. '15, 380 (1932).

30. S. Ishihara, Tests for Colour Blindness, 5th Ed. (Kanehara, Tokyo. U. S. Agent, C. H. Stoelting, Chicago.)

31. L. A. Jones, “Colorimetry: Preliminary draft of a report on nomenclature and definitions,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. '27, 207 (1937).

32. D. B. Judd, “Saturation scale for yellow colors,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 23, 35 (1933).

33. D. B. Judd, “The 1931 I. C. I. standard observer and coordinate system for colorimetry,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 23, 359 (1933).

34. D. B. Judd, “An extension of the three-attribute system of color description,“ Mimeographed (1934).

35. D. B. Judd, “A Maxwell triangle yielding uniform chromaticity scales,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 25, 24 (1935).

36. D. B. Judd, “Specification of color tolerances at the National Bureau of Standards,“ Am. J. Psychol. 52, 418 (1939).

37. D. B. Judd, “Hue, saturation, and lightness of surface colors with chromatic illumination,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 30, 2 (1940).

38. D. B. Judd, “Color systems and their inter-relation,” Illuminating Eng., to be published.

39. D. B. Judd and K. L. Kelly, “Method of designating colors,” J. Research Nat. Bur. Stand. 23, 355 (1939).

40. D. B. Judd and D. Nickerson, “Review of the spacing of the Munsell colors,” Mimeographed (1936).

41. D. Katz, The World of Colour, Tr. by R. B. MacLeod and C. W. Fox (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. London, 1935).

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43. R. Luther, “Aus dem Gebiet der Farbreizmetrik,” Zeits. f. tech. Physik 8, 540 (1927).

44. D. L. MacAdam, “The theory of the maximum visual efficiency of colored materials,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 25, 249 (1935).

45. D. L. MacAdam, “Maximum visual efficiency of colored materials,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. 25, 361 (1935).

46. D. L. MacAdam, ”Representation of color tolerances on the chromaticity diagram,” Am. J. Psych. 52, 412 (1939).