Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalof404219041905roya).pdf/439

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English. Hokkien. Cantonese. Character.

Corea Kau-li-kok Ko-lai kwok 高麗國
... Ko-le kok ... ...
Cuba Ko-pa Ku-pa 古吧
Deli Jit-li Yat-lei 日裡
... Jin-li ... ...
Dindings[1] Pang-kok Pong-kok 邦咯
Edie I-li Yi-lei 怡里
England Eng-kok Ying-kwok 英國
Foochow Hok-chiu Fuk-chau 福州
Formosa[2] Tai-wan Thoi-wan 台灣
France Ho-lan-se Fat-lan-sai 法蘭西
... Huap kok Fat-kwok 法國
Germany Tek-kok Tak-kwok 德國
Haiphong Hai-pong Hoi-fong 海防
Hoihow Hai-khau Hoi-hau 海口
  1. 'Pang-kok' is Pangkor, the island and village at the mouth of the Dindings river.
  2. 'Tai-wan' is the Chinese name, meaning 'Terraced bay.'