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An INDEX to the HOLY BIBLE ; or an Account os the most remarkable Passages in the Books of the OLD and NEW TESTAMENT : pointing to the Time wherein they happened, and to the Places of Scripture wherein they are recorded.

Genesis I,&II. m. IV. i.

  • .

V. 3, 6. IV. 26. V. 9> 12, >s»1 8, «> «5» 5»

  • 3> 24.

8. 28, "> '4i >7> 20. VI. 3. iPet.Ifl to. 2 Pet. II. if. G.V.34 X, it. V.3I.

  • 7-

VII. 11 «348; Genesis VIII. 18. 20. HC. 9, 20,

  • 346 XI. 10,

3311. 12, 2281. 14, "47- 16, 2234. X. g, II. The first Age of the World.

IN the beginning God created the hea ven and the earth, &c. and last of all man after his own image. Man falls from his first state, but is pro mised a Saviour of the seed of the woman. The world first peopled after Adam and Eve had left paradise. About this time Cain and Abel offer sacri fice, and Abel is murdered by hiSs brother. Seth born. Enos born. About this time men begin to call upon the name of the Lord. Cainan born. Mahalaleel born. Jared born. Enoch, the seventh from Adam, born. Methuselah born. Lamech, the father of Noah, born. Adam dieth, aged 930 years. Enoch in the 365th year of his age taken up to God. Seth dieth, aged 912 years. Noah, the father and Patriarch of the new world after the flood, born. Enos, the third fiorft Adam, dieth, aged 905 years. Cainan dieth, aged 910 years. Mahalaleel, the fifth from Adam, dieth, aged 895 yesrs. ..... Jared, the sixth from Adam, dieth, aged 962 years. Gvd commands Noah to preach repen t. nce, and to build the ark, izo years be fore the flood. To Noah, aged 500 years, is born Ja- phcth, and two years after, Shem. Lamech, the ninth from Adam, dieth, aged 777 years. He is the first man whom the Scriptures mention to have died a natural death before his father. Methuselah dieth a little befor» the flood, in the 969th year of his age. He was the oldest man. The flood comes upon the earth in the 600th year of Noah's age. The second Age of the World. THE flood ceaseth, and Noah, with his family, and the creatures he carried in with him, comes out of the ark, and offers a burnt offering. At the fame time God makes a covenant with Noah and his feed, promising never more to destroy the world by water ; as a token whereof he placet h the rainbow in the cloud. The fame year Noah begins to plant vines, and is drunk. Arphaxad born. Salah born. Eber born. Peleg born : so called, because in his days the earth was divided. About this time Nimrod begins to exalt himself, by laying the first foundation of the Assyrian monarchy. Nineve, the metropolis of Assyria, built, Before Genesis CHRIST XL 4, 6, 2233. 2217. 18. 2188. Ps.CV. 23, is. XIX. 218;. 11. G.XI.20, 215c. 22, 2126. *4> 2008. «9> 2007. 1998. IX. 28, "995. XI. 32, 26, 1986. 1978. 1925- 1922. 1921. 1920. 1913. 29, 30. Ixvn. 17. XL 21, xiV; i, 3» &c. XL 31, Genesis XII. 1, 2, 10. Gal. Ill _ >7; Exodus XII. 40 Genesis XIII. XIV. 4, 20. XV. z. About this time the posterity of Nimrod begin to build the city and tower of Babel, so called from the confusion of languages which God sent among the workmen. Reu born. Mizraim, the grandson of Ham, leads co lonies into Egypt, and layeth the foundation of a kingdom, which lasted 1663 years ; whence Egypt is called the land of Ham, and the Egyptian Pharaohs boasted themselves to be the sons of ancient kings. Serug born. Nahor born. Terah, Abram's father, born. Peleg, the sixth from Noah, dieth. Nahor, the ninth from Noah, dieth. Noah dieth, aged 950 years, 350 years after the flood. Abram born, he was 7; years of age when his father Terah died, aged 20c years ; so that Terah begat not Abram in the 70th year of his age, but Nahor and Haran, and in the 130th year of his age begat Abram. SteAils VII. 4. Sarai Abram's wife, (called also Iscah) Haran Abram's brother's daughter, born ten years after her husband. Reu, the seventh from Noah, dieth. Serug, the eigjith from Noah, dieth. About this time Chedorlaomer king of Elam fubdueth the kings of Sodom, Go morrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Beia j who serve him 12 years. 1 Terah with his family leaveth Ur of the Chaldeans, and dwells at Haran. The third Age of the World. ABRAM, after his father's decease, in the 7eth year of his age, is com manded by God to enter upon the land of Canaan, which God promileth to give unto his feed, and that in his feed (viz. Christ Je sus our Lord ) all the families of the earth should be blessed. In the year following a famine in the land of Canaan forceth Abram with his fa mily to go into Egypt. From this first coming into Egypt to the departure of the children of Israel out of it are reck oned 430 years. Abram and Lot in this fame year return into Canaan ; but the land not being suffici ent for both their flocks, they part asunder. Lot goeth to Sodom. God reneweth his promise to Abram ; he removeth to Hebron, and there buildeth an altar.

Bera the king of Sodom with four other kings rebel against Chedorlaomer, but are overcome by him in the valley of Siddim. Lot being taken prisoner, Abram relcueth him, flayeth Chedorlaomer and his confede rates, and in his return is blessed by Melchi- fedec king of Salem, and priest of God, to whom Abram gives tithe. The rest of the spoils, his partners having had their portions, he restoreth to the king of Sodom.

Abrarn complaineth for want of an heir :