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Page:KJV 1772 Oxford Edition, vol. 2.djvu/501

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The third Age.
The third Age.

Before CHRIST 1913-. 19H. 1910. 1908. 1897. 1896. 1892. 1878. 1871. 1859. 1856. 1846. 1837. l8zi. 1817. 1796. 1760. 1758. •7S7-. I7j6. xi. 13. XVII. s XVIII. XIX. Genesis [God promiseth him a son, and a multiplying XV. |of his feed. Canaan is promised again, ami confirmed by a sign. XVI. I Sarai, being barren, giveth Hagar her 1, 2, I handmaid to Abram. Ishmael, Hagar's son, born. Arphaxad, the third from Noah, dieth. God makech a covenant with Abram, and in token of a greater blessing changeth his name into Abraham. As a Seal of this co venant, Circumcision is ordained. Sarai her name also is changed into Sarah, and she is blessed. God promiseth them a son, and commandet h that his name be called Isaac; in him God promiseth to establish his covenant. Abraham entertaineth three angels, who renew the promise to him of having a son. God revealeth to Abraham the destruction of Sodom, with whom Abraham intercedes for Lot and his family. See Gen. xix. 29. Lot is commanded, for the preservation os himself and his family, to get out of Sodom, and to flee to the mountain ; but by much intreaty he obtaineth leave to go into Zoar. Sodom, Gomorrah, and all the cities in the vale of Stddim, with all the inhabitants ot them, are for the most horrible sins destroyed by fire and brimstone from Heaven. The Dead Sea remains a monument thereof unto thU day. Lot's wife for looking back upon Sodom, contrary to God's command, is turned into a pillar of salt ; and Lot himself, fearing to continue at Zoar, leaves the plain country, and betakes himself to the mountain, carry ing his two daughters with him. Isaac born in the 100th year of Abraham's age. Not long alter to Lot are born Moab and Ammon, his sons at the fame time, and his grandsons. Hagar and Ishmael at Sarah's request arc cast forth. Salah, the fourth from Noah, dieth. God teinpteth Abraham toofferlsaac. Abra ham giveth proof of his faith and obedience. Sarah dieth at Hebron in Canaan in the 127th year of her age. Isaac marrieth Rebekah the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor, in the 40th year of his age. Shem, the son of Noah, dieth. Jacob and E'au born in the 60th year os iheir father Isaac's age. Abraham dieth, aged 175 years. Hebcr, the fifth from Noah, dieth : from him Abraham and his posterity were called Hebrews. Gen. xiv. 13. Esau, aged forty years, marrieth Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittife, and Ba fhemath the daughter of Elon the Hittiie. ishmael dieth, aged 137 yearsj Jacob by his mother's instruction obtain eth the blessing from Isaac his father, which wasdesigned for Esau. Upon which he is forced to flee into Mesopotamia, to ssiun his brother's rage. Upon the way are foretold unto him in a vision the blessings of his posterity. At length he cometh to his uncle Laban's house, and covenanteth to serve him seven years for his daughter Rachel, but Laban deceiveth him with Leah ; the marriage week being completed, Rachel also is given him to wife, upon condition of serving sCYcn years more. Of Leah arc born, 31, I Reuben, 33, I Simeon, .< 34, 1 Levi, XXI 2. XIX. 36. XXI. 9. XI. ij. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XI. 11. XXV. 24. XXV. 7 XI. 17. XXVI. 34- XXV. 17 XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. Before CHRIST '7SS- '74S- •739- 1729. 17 18. 1716. 171c. 1708. 1707. 1706. 1704. •7°3- 1702. 1689. 1635. Genesis Judah, from whom the Jews receive their XXIX. denomination. jr, Rachel, having been long barren, at XXX. length beareth Joseph : Jacob, desiring to 2j. depart, is persuaded by Laban to serve six years more for some part of his flock. XXXI. Jacob, after he had been twenty years in Mesopotamia, sets forward on his journey homewards, without acquainting his father XXXII. |or brothers in law. Rachel stealeth her fa ther's gods, and is pursued by Laban. Jacob by his prudence is reconciled to his brother Esau. He wrestleth with an angel at Peniel, and is called Israel. XXXIV. I About this time Dinah, Jacob's daughter, is deflowered by Sichem the son of Hamor. Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brethren, revenge their sister's quarrel, by putting all the males of Sichem to the sword; for which thing Jacob reproveth them. XXXV. I Rachel is delivered of Benjamin on the 16. |way betwixt Beth-el, or Beth-lehem, and Ephrath, and dies in childbed. Some think that Job lived about this time. XXXVIII Judah lieth with Thamar his daughter in ,6. law in disguise. XXXVII. Joseph is hated by his brethren, and is fold to merchantmen, Iihmaelites and Mi- dianites, who carry him into Egypt, where he is sold to Potiphar an officer or Pharaoh, and by him made overseer of his house. XXXIX. I Joseph resisteth the temptations of his ma ster's wife ; he is falily accused by her, and XL. |cast mt0 prison. He interpreteth the dreams of Pharaoh's butler and baker, which come to pass according to his interpretation. XXXV. Isaac dieth, aged 180 years, and is buried 2g, by his sons, Jacob and Esau. XLI. 25, Joseph interpreteth Pharaoh's two dreams; he giveth Pharaoh counsel, and is made go vernor of the whole land of Egypt. I Here begin the seven years ot plenty in the jD| land of Egypt. About this timeManasleh and Ephraim, Joseph's two sons, are born of Ase- nath,thedaughterof Potipherah,priestofOn. <• ^ Here begin the seven years of famine. XLII. Jacob sendeth his ten sons to buy corn in 1, 2, %. Egypt; they are imprisoned by Joseph forfpies; but are set at liberty on condition of bringing Benjamin ; and Simeon is kept as a pledge. XLTII. I Jacob is with much difficulty persuaded to XLV. I send Benjamin. Joseph maketh himself known to his brethren, and sendeth for his father by command from Pharaoh. XLVI. I Jacob, having offered sacrifice to God for that his son Joseph is yet alive, goes with all his family into Egypt in the third year of fa mine, and 130th year of his age. He is seated in the land of Gofhen. XLVII.I Joseph getteth all the money, lands, and catrle, of the Egyptians for bread ; only the lands belonging to the Priests he bin eth not. XLVIII. I JacobadoptethEphraimandManasieh,and XLIX. |blesseth them, and allhis sons: prophesieth the descent of the Messi:.h from Judah, and dieth, aged 147 years; 17 whereof he lived in Egypt. He is with great pomp carried into Canaan, and buried in the sepulchre of his father. Joseph on his death bed prophesieth unto his brethren their return to Canaan; takes an oath of them to carry his bones out of Egypt, and dieth, aged 1 10 years. The book of Genesis endeth in the death of Joseph, containing the history of 2369 years ; next to which in order of time the