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The third Age.
The fourth Age.

Before CHRIST 1619. Exodus VI. 16. '577- I. 8. 1574- VII. 7. 1573- f. 15, 22 1571. 1531. 1530. 1491. 1491. II. II. Josli. XIV. 7 10.° Ex. III. 2, 6tc V. VII. Psnlm LXXVIII CV. Exodus XII. 11. 29, 41. Numb. XXXIII. Exodus XIV. XV. book of Job follows, written (as it is gene rally believed.) by Moses. Levi dieth in Egypt, aged 137 years; he was grandfather to Moses and Aaron. Here begins the bondage of the children of Israel, when a king rose up in Egypt, who knew not Joseph. Aaron born three years before his brother Moles, 83 years before the departure of the children of Israel out os Egypt. Pharaoh having in vain commanded the Hebrew mid wives to destroy all the males o • he Israelites, sets forth an edict, charging hat they be all cast into the river. Moses is born, who, being hid in the flags >y the river's fide, is found by Pharaoh's .laughter ; and becomes her adopted son. Moses in the 40th year of his age, having llain an Egyptian, whom he saw contend ing with an Hebrew, fleeth into Mtdian, where he marrieth Zipporah the daughter osReuel, or Jethro, a priest, and liveth with him forty years. Caleb, the son of Jephunnch, born. Whilst Moses keeps his father in law's sheep at mount Horeb, G-d appeareth to him in a binning bulh, and sendeth him to deliver Israel. Moses and Aaron having declared to Pha- aoh the message, on which they are sent un to him from God, are charged by him as '-.eads of a mutiny, and sent away with many iiad *ords; and more grievous labours art forthwith hid upon the Israelites. Moses be ng now 80, and Aaron 83 years of age, urged thereunto by God, return a- gain to Phar aoh, where the magicians by their I'jrcery, imitating the miracle of Aaron's rod urn;d into a serpent, make Pharaoh more obstinate than he was before. Wherefore God by the hand of Moses lays ten plagues jpon the Egyptians. The fourth j/gt of the World. UPON the fourteenth day of the first month, (which was May the fourth, upon Monday with us j in the evening, the passiver is instituted. Upon the fifteenth of the fame month, at midnight, the firstborn of Egypt being all slain, Pharaoh and his servants makt haste to fend away the Israelites; and they, the selfsame day wherein they were let go aut of bondage, being the complete term ol 430 years from the first pilgrimage of theii incestor's, reckoning from Abraham's de parture out of Charran, take their journey, and march away, being 600,000 men, be side children, and come to Rameses, from whence by several encampings they come to the Red lea, the Lord conducting them in a pillar of a cloud by day, and in a pillar of fire bynight.TheycarryJolcph's boneswith them. At the Red sea Pharaoh with his host over takes them ; Moses divides the waters with his rod, and the children of Israel pass through on dry ground unto the desert of Etham ; whom when Pharaoh and his army would needs follow, they are all overwhelmed by the waters coming together at the dawning of the day, whereby the Israelites are wholly freed from the bondage of the Egyptians ; whose carcases when they fee floating all the sea over, and cast upon the shore, they sing a song of praise and thanksgiving unto God. Before CHHISI 149 1 Upon the fifteenth of the second month Exodus XVI. XVII. 1, 8,9,&c XX. XXI. XXII, &c. XXIV. 9, iS. XXV, &c. XXXI. 18. XXXII. 20, 28. XXXIV. (our June the 4th, being Thursday) the Isra elites come to the wilderness of Zin, which lierh between Elyma and Sinai, where for want of food they murmur against God and their leaders : about the eventide God fends rhem quails, and the next morning rains up on them manna from heaven ; and upon that kind of bread they Jived afterward by the space of forty years, even till they came to the borders of the land of Promise. An omer of it is preserved for a memorial. At Rephidim, which was the eleventh place of their encamping, the people murmur for want of water : Moles gives them water by striking the hard rock in Horeb with his rod. The Amalekiies falling upon the rear of the Israelites are diseomfi;ed by Joshua, whilst Moses holds up his hands to God in prayer. God publisheth his Law contained in the Ten Commandments with a terrible voice from mount Sinai. The- people being in great fear, God gives them sundry other laws, all which being written in the book of the Covenant, Moses propole'h them to the people : which done, ' rising early in the morning, he builds an al tar at the foot of the mountain, and sets up 1 2 statues, according to the 1 2 tribes of Israel, and sends 12 young men of the firstborn (whom the Lord hath consecrated to himself as ministers of those holy things, before the Levitical Priesthood was ordained) which offer sacrifice, first for sin, and then for thanksgiv- ingvtothe Lord: and when Moses had rcadthe Book of the Covenant, he takes the blood of the calves and goats so offered, and with wa ter, scarlet woo), and hyssop, sprinkles the book therewith, and all the people, or those 12 sta tues representing them ; and so performs a so lemn Covenant between God and his people. Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and 70 Mer> of the elders of Israel, go up into .he mount, and there behold the glory of God : the rest returning, Moses with his ser vant Joshua abides there still, and waits six days, and upon the seventh day God speaks unto him, and there lie continues. 40 days nd 40 nights (reckoning those six days which he waited for the appearance of the Loidj eating no meat all that while, nor drinking water; (Deut. IX. 9.) where he re ceives God's command touching the frame of the Tabernacle, the Priests' garments, their consecration, sacrifices, and otherthings com prised in this and the fix following Chapters. At the end of 40 days God gives Moses the two tables of the Law in stone, made by God's own hand, and written with his own singer; bidding him withal quickly to get him down, for that the people had already made to themselves a molten calf to worship. Moses by prayer pacifieth God, and goes- down from the mount, and seeing the people keeping a festival in honour of their idol in the camp, he breaks the tables of the law at the foot of the mount : for which the Jews, keep a solemn fast unto this day. Moses, having burnt and defaced the idol,, puts 3000 of the idolaters to death by the- hands of the Levites. God commands Moses to frame new Ta bles of stone, and to bring them with him. into the mount : Moses brings them the next morning, and whilst he stands in the