Page:Key to the Book of Psalms.pdf/21

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cited from the Greek of the LXX verſion; and took it as it there ſtood, when it was ſufficient, without any alteration, to prove the point it was adduced to prove.

The glory and bleſſedneſs of Meſſiah’s reign, are repreſented, in ſome of the pſalms, under images borrowed from the natural world, the manner of its original production, and the operations continually carried on in it. We behold a renovation of all things, and the world, as it were, new created, breaks forth into ſinging. The earth is crowned with ſudden verdure and fertility; the field is joyful, and all that is in it; the trees of the wood rejoice before the Lord; the floods clap their hands in concert, and ocean fills up the mighty chorus, to celebrate the coming of the great King, when all things reſpecting the church of God ſhall be perfected.

Spiritual mercies are alſo repreſented, in ſome of the pſalms, by temporal deliverances from ſickneſs, priſon, danger of periſhing in ſtorms at ſea, and the ſundry kinds of calamity and death to which the human body is ſubject; as alſo by ſcenes of domeſtic felicity, and by the flouriſhing ſtate of well ordered communities, eſpecially that of Iſrael in Canaan while the bleſſing of Jehovah reſted upon it.