Page:Key to the Book of Psalms.pdf/22

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The ſituation of the Iſraelitiſh church, during the captivity of the Jews in Babylon, as deſcribed in the hundred and thirty-ſeventh pſalm, is a repreſentation of the ſituation of the New Teſtament church, during the reign of Antichriſt. And the deſtruction of ancient Babylon, as predicted in that pſalm, is a figure of the deſtruction of myſtery Babylon, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.

The parts of the book of Pſalms which remain, are chiefly ſuch as treat, without figures or examples, of wiſdom and folly; of righteouſneſs and ſin; of the vanity of human life; of the perfections of God; of that patience with which the faithful ſhould bear the ſight of wickedneſs triumphant in this world, looking forward to the day of final retribution; and ſubjects of the like nature.

From what hath been obſerved, it is evident, that the objections which may ſeem to lie againſt the uſe of the Pſalms, in the churches of Chriſt, ceaſe at once. If it is ſaid, Are we concerned with the affairs of David and of Iſrael? Have we any thing to do with the ark and the temple? They are no more. Are we to go up to Jeruſalem, and worſhip on Zion? They are deſolate, and trodden under foot by the Turks. Are we to ſacrifice young bullocks, according to the law? The law is aboliſhed,