Ch'iao Kuan-hua: So, it took you one hour to write three pages, and it took me a whole day to write three sentences. And now it took you an hour, and with your assistance, it has been increased to four sentences.
Kissinger: Now those of you present know why it took a week to do the Shanghai Communique. [Laughter]
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: All the new colleagues will understand. But I must also say here that I have to report this to our government first, before it can be finalized. You are very fair about our procedures.
Kissinger: Oh, yes. I am experienced.
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: And I will tell you if there are any suggested changes.
Kissinger: When will you do that?
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: Can I jump from this to the time of release? I don't think there will be any question about that.
Kissinger: It is now short enough that President Ford could read it at the beginning of his Press Conference which is 9:00 a.m. Saturday, Peking time.
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: Well, I will give our reply on whether there are any other changes as soon as possible. But anyway, in any case, it won't be when you are just entering your plane.
Kissinger: Tomorrow morning? Tomorrow evening? I have this practical problem. Given the differences in time now, it is still the working day in Washington. Whatever happens tomorrow, all day tomorrow is night in America. Moreover, I don't have communications in Soochow; I won't until I get to the plane in Shanghai. I tell you what I will do. I will send this to Washington. If I can get any changes tomorrow morning -- they will not be major, I am sure -- they can work with this and then we can change it. We will not consider it official until we have heard from your government.
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: And we will try to give a reply as soon as possible. If possible, tomorrow morning.
Kissinger: Yes. It is not a decisive matter because we have 34 hours. I have communications on my plane so as soon as I reach Shanghai, we can make any corrections needed, and we can make preliminary arrangements