on the basis of this text. I have worked with you before. Your suggestions will be mine. If you could get Mr. Lord's name in it, his mother would appreciate it. [Laughter]
Do you wish us to type it and give you the correct version? Can you wait five minutes?
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: Yes.
[The new draft Communique was typed]
Kissinger: Can we make an agreement that when President Ford is here we will not negotiate an agreement? We will do it ahead of time.
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: Of course! Otherwise, the visit would be prolonged.
Kissinger: Very long. Actually, the last time, we had two-thirds done before we came here. Three-fourths, even. All right, you let us know.
Ch'iao Kuan-hua: [As he was leaving the meeting room] Dr. Kissinger, you will visit before the President?
Kissinger: I think probably I will have to come here two months before he visits. Mr. Foreign Minister, again, thank you for your cooperation.
[The meeting concluded at 11:15 p.m.]