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Brazil and Brazilian Society.

a more and more oblique position. He now reminds one of an enormous iron post fixed in the ground, inclined in the direction of the tension of the cord. The quadruped, on feeling his neck fastened, at first rears and flies away at fall speed; but, after a few desperate efforts, is choked by the cord, and stops. The tamer now approaches him, slips on a bridle, mounts him, and having unfastened the lasso, commences the training. The first lessons are the most difficult. The animal rears and throws himself down, endeavoring at the same time to rid himself of rider, bits, and spurs. Vain efforts! victory rests with the man!

This rugged profession, compelling the muscles to severe tension and continual effort, wears out the peon before his time; and, whatever the skill of these centaurs, they do not always escape the dangers inseparable from their rude career.


I one day saw a horse running at full speed, while the horseman, held by the lasso, was dragged whirling behind the animal, unable to obtain a hold upon the ground, either with feet or hands. Trusting to his strength and skill, he had the imprudence to fasten the lasso to his waist; and, having lost his balance, was dragged after the leaping animal. Fortunately, the latter seeking refuge in the neighboring rancho, he escaped with a few bruises.


The mulatto has a European father and a daughter of Africa for his mother. The negro women being chiefly taken to agricultural districts, or the centres of commerce, that is, near the sea-coast or rivers, it follows that the mulatto is rather the product of towns and the coast than of the interior. Being generally free, he is put to such duties as are considered too laborious for the indolence of the Indian, too elevated for the depraved intelligence of the negro slave, and too servile for the dignity of the white. He therefore becomes, according to his aptitude and the duties required, a carpenter, blacksmith, tailor, mason, herdsman, soldier, etc. If he is the descendant of a rich father, and has received a some education, he engages in commerce, or joins the clergy, the medical profession, the magistracy, and even sits in Congress. He then loses his proper character, and you no longer behold him, except as a more or less irreproachable gentleman; for it cannot be denied that there is always a large dose of astuteness in these compound natures.


Like his neighbor the mameluco, the mulatto, when left to himself, has an irresistible penchant for mules and horses. He is the proprietor of vendas on the roads, and the guide of travellers, and is found in all kindred occupations. Upon the plantation he becomes an overseer of negroes, a mule-trainer, or an arreador. The latter name is given to the chiefs of caravans, which periodically carry the products of the interior—cotton, sugar, coffee, etc.—across the mountains to the nearest port. To give an exact idea of these, I cannot do better than to quote the description of a countryman, whom I have already cited on the subject of the religious belief of the Indians, and who visited several parts of Brazil with me:


'Before quitting the inn at Iguassú,[1] where there was a swarm of young mulattoes, it was our fortune to witness the passage of one of those long trains of Ioaded mules called tropas.


'The mule-leader, which led the train and kept at its head, was decked with a plume, a bell, and a rich harness. Upon the head-band was a large silver plate, bearing the name of the proprietor's house; but the handsome animal, thanks

  1. Iguassú is on the road from Rio Janeiro to the province of Minas Geraẽs.