to the arrobas,[1] no doubt, did not seem too conscious of the honor; and I have seen many generals and drum-majors who were unable to maintain, beneath their uniforms, the proud calmness and tranquil of our queen mule. The others follow in a line or in little squads, according to the condition of the roads, but always with a steady, regular step. It was the order of free discipline without brutality, without the lash, and almost without command.
'They leave the fazendas loaded and divided into eight, ten, or twelve sections, which, taken together, constitute what is called a troop. Each section is composed of seven mules, under the care of a negro, who looks after them, and is called a tocador, or driver. The chief of the troop is the arreador, a free man, possessing the confidence of the master, and charged with the responsibility of the journey. He is at once treasurer, chief, and veterinary. Sometimes he has, as a staff, two or three dogs, who keep watch at night during the halts; but most frequently he is alone.
'The first few hours after departure are painful and difficult. It is necessary to adjust the faultily arranged loads, check trotting freaks, readjust chafing saddles, etc. It is a little world setting out on a journey; and this world of mules has, like many others, its caprices and whims.
'But when the first halt is made at a rancho, every thing is in order. The seven mules of the first section advance toward the arreador and are unloaded without taking off their harness. Then comes the second group; and the whole caravan thus files by, section by section, leaving on the ground, beneath the shed, its packages of coffee, which are stowed away in symmetrical order. For half an hour the mules, unburdened and free are allowed to crop the fresh grass and enjoy relief; and, in the mean time, the black tocadores also rest themselves. One, however, remains on duty, who gathers green or dry wood, and cooks the feijão.
'After this short siesta in the sun or under the shed, the mules are brought up, and the harnesses are taken off, under the close inspection of the arreador, who examines each animal, marks the cangalha or pack-saddles of those that are chafed, and sends them all to the pasto, or pasture. Now is the time for repairing the pack-saddles and attending to the repast of the tocadores.
'About four o'clock in the afternoon the arreador again sends for the mules, which pass in file before him for a minute inspection of their shoes, harness, and chafes. Then they bandage, burn, shoe, and feed with millet, and the mules are again sent to the pasto. But there must be no favorite, no privileged animal for this prebend of millet; it must not be distributed to one before another, or there would be a revolution at the rancho—kicking, biting, and a regular tumult of barracks in revolt.
'The mules being gone, and the night-fires lighted, the arreador takes his meal by himself. Then he stretches himself upon a hide between two walls of packages, which form a sort of alcove, while the blacks lie down, here and there, beneath the rancho, or perhaps in some neighboring bushes, and silence prevails in the camp.'
Having arrived at its destination, the caravan-manager, or arreador, disposes of his merchandise, taking in exchange articles necessary to the fazenda, such as salt, oil, flour, wine, carne seca, dried codfish, etc., and sets out on his return.
The arreador must now redouble his vigilance to prevent the negroes from
- ↑ A Brazilian measure of weight; about thirty-two pounds.