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Page:Korean Romanization.pdf/11

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l before ㄱ, ng before ㄴ and k before other consonants
ㄼ, ㄽ, ㄾ l
ㅄ, ㄿ p
n before ㄴ, and t before other consonants
섞다 sŏkta
맑게 malke
굵네 kungne
묽다 mukta
굶다 kumta
얹다 ŏnta
넓다 nŏlta
외곬수 oegolsu
핥다 halta
값진 kapchin
읊다 ŭpta
있는 innŭn
있고 itko
Exception 1: In the case of ‘밟-’, romanize as m when followed by ㄴ, and romanize as p when followed by other consonants.
밟는 pamnŭn
밟다 papta
밟고 papko
밟지 papchi

Exception 2: In the case of ‘넓-’, romanize as p in the following instances: