넓죽하다 | nŏpchukhada |
넓둥글다 | nŏptunggŭlda |
넓적 | nŏpchŏk |
(c) When syllabic final double consonants are followed by vowels, romanize as follows:
ㄵ | nj | |
ㄺ | lg | |
ㄻ | lm | |
ㄼ | lb | |
ㄾ | lt’ | |
ㄿ | lp’ | |
ㅄ | ps | |
ㅆ | ss | |
앉아 | anja | |
묽어 | mulgŏ | |
삶으니 | salmŭni | |
넓이 | nŏlbi | |
핥아 | halt’a | |
읊어 | ŭlp’ŏ | |
없어 | ŏpsŏ | |
있으니 | issŭni |
9. Personal Names
(a) Separate syllables of a forename or pseudonym (호, 필명, 법명) with a hyphen only when they are preceded by a family name. Indicate sound change preceding and/or following a hyphen. See also Word Division 13. Personal Names for further clarification.