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Page:Kutenai Tales.djvu/35

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Bureau of American Ethnology
[Bull. 59

13. Coyote and Owl[1]

There was a town. A child was crying. It was told: "Don't cry, Owl will take you." The child cried. Owl took it. He put it into a birch-bark basket. Then there were no more children. Coyote said: "I shall cry." At night Coyote cried. He was told: "Don't cry, else Owl will take you." Coyote cried aloud. Owl arrived. He said: "Give me the child." (Coyote) was given to him. (Owl) put him into the birch-bark basket. He carried him away. Owl arrived at his tent. Coyote saw many children dancing. He took gum. He rubbed it on Owl's eyes, and (Owl) was blind. He threw him into the fire. (Owl) was burned entirely. All the children started back to the tents of their parents.

13. Coyote and Owl

Qa·k.łuna′mne·. (There was a town.) nʼiła′n·e· (It cried) łka′m·u. (a child.) qakełι′łne· (It was told:) maₐts ("Don't) e·′łanʼ (cry;) tsx̣ałtsukᵘatι′sᵢne· (he will take you) ku′pi·. (Owl.") nʼiła′n·e· (It cried) łka′m·u. (the child.) tsukᵘa′te· (He took it) ku′pi. (Owl.) nʼoqox̣ᵘakι′n·e· (He put it into) na′he·ks. (a birch-bark basket.) ta′x̣as (Then) łało′ᵤne· (no more) łka′m·u. (children.) qake′ᵢne· (He said) skι′n·ku·ts (Coyote:) ka′min ("I) hutsx̣ałʼiła′n·e·. (I shall cry.") ktsιłmi′yιt.s (At night) nʼiła′n·e (he cried) skιn·ku·ts. (Coyote.) qakełι′łne· (He was told:) maₐts ("Don't) e·łanʼ, (cry,) to′x̣wa (else) ku′pi (Owl) tsx̣ałtsukᵘatι′sᵢne·. (will take you.") wιłke′ᵢne· (He cried aloud) skι′n·ku·ts. (Coyote.) wa′x̣e· (He arrived) ku′pi. (Owl.) qake′ᵢne· (He said:) ts!ka·kι′nkeᵢł ("Give me) łka′m·u. (the child.") namatιktsι′łne·. (He was given to him.) nʼoqox̣ᵘakι′n·e (He put him into) na′he·ks. (the birch-bark basket.) ts!ιnałkι′n·e·. (He carried him away.) łax̣a′x̣e· (He arrived at) aₐʽkιt.ła′e·s (his tent) ku′pi. (Owl.) nʼu′px̣ₐne· (He saw) skι′n·ku·ts (Coyote) yunaqa′pse· (many) łkamnιʼnta′ke·s (children) naqwι′łse·. (dancing.) tsukᵘa′te (He took) ι′łwa·s. (gum.) yu·hakι′n·e· (He rubbed it on) aₐʽkakaqłιłʼι′se·s (he (Owl's) eyes,) łałιtqłι′se·. (and he was blind.) x̣unmι′te·. (He threw him into the fire.) q!apku′ᵤne·. (He was burnt entirely.) łats!ιna′x̣e· (They started back) q!a′pe· (all) łkamnι′nte·k (children) aₐʽkιt.łaι′se·s (to the tents of) ałaₐkιnι′k!e·s. (their parents.)

  1. See pp. 37, 50.