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Kutenai Tales
- apart pa'ts- pr.
- Apocynum cannabinum aa'qola^qpe's (see Qaqoula^qpeh)
- approaches, he nutsa^xc (see -huts-)
- Aralia nudicaulis Uako^wk C
- arise, to -uwoky,-
- arra a^'t!, -lat!
- he moved his arm wanWtlne' (see -wan-)
- arm above elbow aakcnWmen (see also forearm)
- armpit aaqaxapk.Wtlna'm
- around qfuntka-, akarrun-, qal-, pr.
- arrive, to t^- pr.
- he arrived at water laxa^qo'l (see -lax-)
- he arrived there qaoxa^xe' (see qao-)
- he arrives wa^xe' (see w- pr. and -axe')
- arrow -ka-, aak!
- he has an arrow nakoanc (see -ha-)
- he had two arrows 71* aimakaf qUC' (see -ka-)
- arrow point aahnqla^qa
- (of metal) nclk</y,ts!ap (see nt^lko)
- arrow wood a^^klwok (see 0^^/)
- Artemisia discolor, frigida aakcnuk.luxona^ka C; used for headache aakwo'h.lai' xuna^a^e'^ C
- medicine made of aakmuk.luxokona^Jco- awi/mo (see aahnuk.ltixona^ka)
- ashamed, to be -halnukp-
- ashes aakuqmo'^ko aakuqlrm/ko' y -oko
- ashore up- pr.
- asleep, sound kuw/l'cts (see -hits-)
- he lay asleep shk.le^itsne' (see -?€|-^s-)
- two were asleep rCaskik.Witse' (see -?e^te-)
- assembled, they were (qa)haqowu^m^ne'
- autumn tslup^na'kot
- away hosan- Qiesan-), Ulev^y pr.
- he ran away no'sanoxunqa^ane' (see hosan-)
- awl ^o^'w
- awoke, he naqlmale^jtsne' (see -haqima-)
- ax a^qu^ta't, -quta'l
- back <wt^-, ma?i- pr.; -ia*-
- he fell back tuvmmnmuxu^n'e' (see ^wt^-)
- he lay on his back tuvmVdxo^^me'k (see ^wt^-)
- he looks back lamanwitskik/lne' (see man-)
- back a^ak.laky -klalakak^ akoyJdaWak'nxL'm
- with back -xo- suff.
- backside a^qlv^lukp, a^h^kpukl, -kpvJc!
- bad, to be -sahan-
- it is bad saha^n'e'
- it is a bad place sa^'hanlec^tnc (see -«aAan-)
- badger na^lme't!
- bag Qatsu'^la, tsula, aaka'l^ ttakuWko (?) C
- ball, he plays — with bat -qaixo^ktse'k
- bark of tree aak/tslqa'lj -tslqaal
- I tear off bark hulutslqalxo^ne' (see -tslqajt)
- bark for canoe a^akwo'k, a^aka'm C
- Barnard, B.C.
85543°—Bull. 59—18 23