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Kutenai Tales

bladder af^^kuktse^he'n, -{u)kt8:ken

(of fish) aahu^kmat C blanket se^itfj -la(mal)

wliite blanket Oa'qfu^na'q

it is a blanket slama^lnc (see -la[mal]) bleed from mouth, to -halnukux^- blood wa^^nmo

curdled blood yaftlaps

to be bloody -hakumal-^ -kumal-

it is not bloody Idkuma^lne' (see Id-) blow, to 'hdkupxou'

wind blows nalum/n'e' (see -^a^-)

wind blows a certain way qanawdso^^me' (see -hor) bluejay qoqv/ske' board aahnuq'Ma'kla'aJco' body 'Ulaks, aak/lxo', a^'ku^lak

with body -a;o- suff. boil, to 'hanmuko- (see -hanuxo')^ -hukch

to boil something -nmit^^- bone -malakf ma'k!

burnt bone a^hlqlan'otsa^ko moak!

rotten bone ho^qlka

remains of broken bones aaqla^nak Bonner's Ferry aakukpanmitu^kxo' bonnet, war -yuk^a, a^kiyu^kwa border, square pieces forming — of root basket aa'k.la^lxo' C

small ornamental pieces on border of root kettle aakutskakilukpo^xal C born, to be -Jiaqa^aue' (see -ha-) both xatsm- pr.

both ears xaismqawaHlne' (see xatsm-)

he took both xa'^tscmltsuk'^^te' (see xatsm-) bottle aako^quwit! boughs, green -ula'lj aahu/lal bow -WO'

he made a — for himself nWwukV^c'leik (see -wo')

bow stave, his aak.lakwote's (see -wo') bow and arrows aaqloxynialefet bowstring tla^wu^mka (see -t!a-) braces aakilu^k^atspu^kna'm C brain alqa branch (of tree) . -a^htskla^la'k, '{e)tsk!ala'ky -tsklalak,

he chops off a branch pitstsk!alakxo^y,ne' (see -tskla'-lak) break, to -qfa-, -urruts-j -aqts-, -yaql-, -Twql^'m-

(a stick) -yaq-

(camp) -huqna(me'k)

(to pieces) -qas-

(wind) -atskup-

(with teeth) ts/k!xane' (see -tsehl-)

she broke it -han'u^qo.i'X(/^(ne')

it is broken q!axo e' (see -g/a-) breast tsu^u

(of bird) aak/nhas C breast pieces of game a^kxa^ska'h breath, he was out of q!awa'ts!/nme'h bridge aako'^ko' C

I shall make a bridge hutsdkokophn' e' (see Oa^Wlto*^ C!)