bridle aa'kok!uatska'łma
bright red sukunohu'se. (see -souk-), yawo'unek!
brings, he — it wałkιn.e. (see w- pr.)
brook aa'kιnux̣o'unuk
brother (said by sister) ałι'tskeił
brother, elder, tat!
brother, younger tsa., tsiya
brother's daughter pa.'
brother's wife a'tse.
brother-in-law (all kinds), intermediate relative dead łuna't!e.
bubble tsu'm(o.bu)
buck wa'ma.t!
bucket a'tso
buckle of belt aakwι'tsko. C bud aa'qu'pa.t! buffalo iya'mu
buffalo calf aa'kιnku'ma.ł
yearling buffalo calf qayaaqa'ła.m (see qayaqa-)
buffalo cow łu^kpu.
buffalo drive aa'kuqła'łaak.bumblebee kianuq!u'łupq, (= white end) kianu̇qło.q!u'ł (see -nuqłum-) burden of song he he ha burning, it is naq!ako'une. (see -ko-)
it is burnt on top yu.hałhaq!aku'n.e. (see -hał-)
it burnt quickly ts!ιłq!anku'pse.
he was burnt entirely q!apku'une. (see -q!ap-)
everything is burnt q!apku'pse. (see -ko-)
burst, to -paq!ame.-, -hakq!me.
bury, to -ιtetιł (see -ιt-) bush, a — with white berries, not edible mιtsqo`ko.łιłna.
but at, mι'ksa'n, ma, (weak disjunctive) pa'ł butcher, to -ιtk!an- butt, to -hako-
butt end of branch (see aa'kukιtsk!a'ła.k) C
butterfly ko.dli'dlus
calf of leg aa'kuqłιk!a'łna.m, aa'qo.ł call, to -haqan(ke)-
camas x̣a'pei
camp, to, over night -ιkiuyιksι'łe.k can tał- pr.
Canadian kιndzcrdz (King George) can not qatał- pr.
canoe yaqso'`mił canoe calking a'a'quł (?)
canoe, longitudinal strips on sides and bottom of aa'kι'k.łuk C
canoe, side strips on top of, bent aaiko.'kyu C
canoe, binding stripe at pointed ends of aa'kunwo.k C