Page:Kvartalshilsen (Kvinnelige misjonsarbeidere). 1920 Vol. 13 nr. 4.pdf/2

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home, and you could hear wailing and crying. - At the home of Pepronja's parents, during this time everything went its quiet course, there were no complaints and no screams, everything was confidently placed in the Lord's hand. On the last evening, before they were to depart, Panos was visited by some missionaries; the children were all asleep, and there was peace in the house, and it was felt that the Lord was in this home. - Out in the plain, the next morning you saw a moving sight: in large crowds the Armenians went away, the rich on pack animals and donkeys, the poor on foot - often on the back or by the hand a child and the few things they owned, and many old people painstakingly dragging themselves along. - The loud voice of the gendarmery sounds relentless and threatening. You see a young woman with her young child, on her face the despair is painted, another complains loudly, the gendarme grabs her hard and pushes her forward, so she falls. Among these crowds are also Panos. He walks quietly and confidently in the awareness that God is with him. - Pepronja had stayed behind with an old grandmother, and her older sister Araxi and a brother came to the orphanage, the other children followed their parents in exile. The seperation from father and mother was Pepronja's first great grief, and her heart was about to burst. Therefore, she was also admitted to the orphanage where her sister was, which was a comfort to her; but she often stood looking out in the distance - far away from the mountains they just had to come back. Pepronja had learned to pray, and the child's prayers rose to the throne of the Almighty. "Pepronja, your father has written and greets you. God has protected your parents”! A beam of joy glows from the sweet little face. Pepronja is one of the kindest and best students in kindergarten. Her sister often tells her beautiful tales, and also all the others show her much love and would like to soothe her wounded heart. Pepronja becomes trustful, she sings and talks; but - one notices that the child longs for her father.

It's Sunday, earlier than usual it is moving about in the big dorm in the orphanage and quietly a couple of kids sneak out to the window or out on the stairs, and there is a soft whisper: "It's sunshine today, do you think "mom" will allow us to go to town"? The night watchman admonishes them to be quiet. Alas, the bell sounds too late today! So, the children want to go to town to visit the distant relatives and acquaintances they still have left. It's a nice change of pace, and then they hope to hear something about the deportees. Pepronja and Araxi are also allowed to visit the old grandmother; there they get nuts or raisins; but the best thing is to talk about father and mother. This went on for months, yes, the whole year. The old grandmother died - her parents did not come yet. - - - - Then suddenly, almost unbelievably, it sounds: "The Armenian people have been freed, saved from the killer's hands!! Did they perhaps express their joy too loudly? The exiles were allowed to return to their homes. Thousands and thousands more have died in exile, here one returns, there two members of the previously so numerous family return, many families are completely exterminated. The children cling to the mother of the home and ask: "Are our parents coming now too? When are they coming? And the dear children's eyes look up prayerfully. It is so difficult to answer as almost all of these parents have died in the worst of circumstances. "And if they don't return my dear child, then you will be our own little girl, and we will love you so much." The little one clings even closer and let herself be caressed. But Pepronja knows that the parents are alive and will come back - but when? Many, many come through Marasch, but Panos does not. Finally, it sounds: Panos is here!! As fast as the legs manage to run, the two sisters rush off in happy anticipation - But no, it's a mistake, it's not Panos. Disappointed and quiet they return to wait again. Infinitely long, the hours seem to them. But then God fulfills the desire of the little Pepronja. - The parents come and Pepronja lies in her father's arms. God hears prayers. through