Page:Kvartalshilsen (Kvinnelige misjonsarbeidere). 1920 Vol. 13 nr. 4.pdf/3

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dreadful distress and danger He saved the loved ones. Occasionally little Pepronja visits the orphanage, she feels so for the others, as she herself was a little "orphan" for so long. Pepronja now never forgets to thank God for father and mother, it is no longer a matter of course; that she has loved ones, it could also have been different had God not given them back to her.

Adele Herold.

My dear, dear friends!

I translated this little story from "Sonnenaufgang" as it so vividly illustrates life out there. - It is told by the Finnish sister Adele Herold, whom I know well and have visited in the orphanage. Pepronja's sister Araxi has been supported in the orphanage by Norwegian friends while she was there, which is why the parents were very grateful. She loves Jesus and has surrendered to Him. - Alas, how many of these little ones were disappointed in their expectations, no father or mother returned to them. How many little wounded and yearning child hearts are not in Armenia!! So many, who roam the streets without owning a dear home that can protect them from sin and evil. Many of them are taken into Muhammadan homes and raised to become the enemies of Christianity, yet it was their parents' deepest desire to bring their children into the orphanages so that they could hear about the Savior for whom they suffered and died. The Lord has done great things here in Norway, He has moved many to support children in Armenia. But are there no one else who will support a child in the name of Jesus?

If God opens the way, I hope to go out already this fall to Mesereh. Danish K. M. A. has asked me to take care of the children in the Danish (Scandinavian) orphanage, where 10 children from Norway are also entertained, until Miss Karen Marie Petersen can return. I would love to try to be someone for the orphans, if it is the Lord's will that I go; but you probably understand, dear friends, that it is not easy to return and daily be witness to so much distress. How many, many ruined homes there are, and how many ruined human lives, especially among women; but alas, how all these miserable human souls crave the gospel of Jesus' love, and the little wounded, abandoned children no less crave Jesus.

Pray that I may be led to direct some of them to the Savior. - When I returned home three years ago, I thought it would be utterly impossible to go there again and see all the incomprehensible great distress and misery; but last year the Lord gave me boldness, in spite feeling completely incapable of the tasks that await me, but it is the Lord who will do His work through me. Ps. 138, 8. I. Tesal. 5, 24.

Pray that I might humbly serve all these little ones who have fallen among robbers so that they could be raised again, and their wounds healed by Jesus.

The idea was also as soon as possible to start raising children from Norway and to find a suitable house, if the Lord wants us to have our orphanage in Mesereh. May he lead me with his eye. Thank you and live well! Don't forget me before the throne of grace. Yours in the love of Jesus connected

sister Bodil.