Page:Kvartalshilsen (Kvinnelige misjonsarbeidere). 1921 Vol. 14 nr. 2.pdf/2

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is resurrected from the dead - and then they answer "In ravzöve Kristos hare"! - Truly Christ is the resurrected! I believe this glorious greeting must be from the earliest Christian times. It is as if one can hear with what joy it is pronounced. Where should rejoice that Jesus is alive, and that He is now living at the Father's right hand to come before us, and soon we too will rise to eternal joy and happiness. What a glorious hope we Christians have!! 1. Peter 1, 3-5.

My thoughts go down to Armenia and I remember the marvelous Easter celebrations we had there with the children. Easter is the biggest holiday of the Armenians. The awakening nature, the delicious anemones, violets and tulips, which peeked out everywhere, seemed to softly whisper to us about the resurrection. The almond and apricot trees stood in the most beautiful bloom, yes, wherever we turned, it sprouted and blossomed out of the dark earth. Everything was as transformed. What a day it must be when from the "land of blood and tears" the many martyrs rise from their graves to praise Jesus! -

In spite of everything still looking hopelessly down in Armenia, both with regard to the country's political position and for the great physical and spiritual distress, we must not despair, but expect great things from the Lord. "The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church," and in a country like Armenia that has so many blood witnesses, the seed is not absent. It is sown and it will sprout forth and bring life and fertility with it. Already now we hear of new spiritual life both in Marasch, Adona and Tarsus, and we want to pray that we must see greater things, that the Lord by His Spirit, will awaken the whole Armenian people who are still alive to new life and through them the Muhammadan peoples of Asia Minor.

Sister Marie Timm writes from Marasch in the German "Frauenmissionsbund" magazine: "God has mercy on our orphanage Betschalum and has poured out the Spirit of grace and prayer.

For many years, earnest prayers have risen to the throne of God, and now He answers them.

There is revival among the boys, 30-40 of whom have become followers of Jesus, and many others want to be. Already in September the revival began in our home, no one knows how God himself worked in the hearts of the children. It is wonderful how childish the children speak to the Savior during prayer. They cannot tolerate a child lying, stealing or swearing. 6 weeks ago, it was not like this. The worst guys first began to clean up their lives, and even among those who have not yet surrendered to Jesus, there is a fear of God.

Many are heard singing: "There is power in the blood" and "Today Jesus calls, believe in His words."

Tell this to all friends who are praying so that everyone thanks the Lord and asks Him to complete the work He has begun. How fine and delicate is the work of the Holy Spirit. He leads the children to Jesus, and Jesus Himself has visited us, and I constantly pray that He will stay with us.

Not a single night are we safe in Betschalum, we always pray that "God will be a wall of fire around our house." - Sister Marie had her eyes severely damaged by the explosion of a box of bleach; but God kept her from being blind, though there was great danger at hand. The terrible eye pain resided after 8 days so that she is now healthy again but cannot see as sharply as before. We want to thank the Lord for His gracious preservation and not forget her and her deed in the vulnerable Marasch.

The American mission magazine "The Orient" reports in the last two issues that new spiritual life has been awakened in Adana and Tarsus. The Armenians in Ciciliey have suffered so much during the war and all its consequences, now they get a taste of the joy of a deep spiritual awakening. We hope and pray that there will be similar revivals also elsewhere. The reasons for this merciful