Page:Kvartalshilsen (Kvinnelige misjonsarbeidere). 1921 Vol. 14 nr. 2.pdf/3

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event is undoubtedly the heartfelt and earnest prayers of Christian leaders for renewal and assistance for the individual. It is not enough simply to ask for renewal for the people of God, one must pray for the individual, and one must work to draw them to Christ. God may of course act without human help, but the fact is that He waits for our prayers and efforts to begin His work. Our lives silent testimony of the master's power has great effect; but personal influence and earnest prayers are also needed. What wonders would be accomplished before the kingdom of God, if all its citizens were as zealous and willing as they were to their earthly homeland in wartime? Let us pray as personally as possible and accompany our prayers with effective efforts in the service of the Master, and there is no doubt that they will be answered. Because He can do more than anyone, far beyond what we pray for or understand. The first significant meeting of the Young Men’s Christian Association was led by Sahag II, the Armenian Catholic in Ciliciey. The room was packed. He preached with great eloquence on the topic of the evening: "New life". He asked his audience to remember that "new life" means more than religious forms and ceremonies in churches and chapels. What is most needed is to be driven by the Spirit of the Lord, to serve Him and to do His will. The impact of this meeting was very great. He was followed the following evenings by men speaking in the same spirit. The following week, prayer meetings were held at the Evana Evangelical Church. The influence of these meetings was great and led to their decision to continue with them for another week. - - -

The Lord be praised for His work down there among the Armenian Christians. There are many who will rejoice with me. Many heartfelt greetings from

sister Bodil.