Page:Laird o' Drum and The baron o'Leys.pdf/7

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“Now haud your tongue, my brither John,
What needs it thee offend, O?
I’ve marriet a wife to work and win,
Ye’ve marriet ane to spend, O.

“The first time that I marriet a wife,
She was far abune my degree, O;
She wadna hae walked to the yetts o’ Drum,
But the pearlin’ abune her bree, O,
And I durstna’ gang in the room where she was
But my hat below my knee, O!”

He has taen her by the milk-white hand
And led her in himsell, O;
In through ha’s, and in through bowers,—
“And ye’re welcome, Leddy Drum, O.”

When they had eaten an well drunken,
And a’ men bound for bed, O,
The Laird of Drum, and his Leddy fair,
In ae bed they were laid, O.

“Gin ye had been o’ high renown,
As ye’re o’ low degree, O;
We micht hae baith gane doun the street,
Amang gude companie, O.”

“I tauld ye weel ere we were wed,
Ye were far abune my degree, O;
But now I’m marriet, an in your bed laid,
I’m just as gude as ye, 'O.

“For an I wir deed, and ye wir deed,
And baith in ae grave had lain, O;
Ere seven years were come and gane,
They’d no ken your dust fae mine, O.”