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The Baron o’ Leys.

The Baron o’ Leys to France has gane,
The fashion and tongue to learn;
But hadna been there a month or twa
Till he got a lady wi’ bairn.

But it fell ance upon a day,
The lady mourn’d fu’ sairlie ;
Says, “Who’s the man has me betrayed?
It gars me wonder and fairlie.”

Then to the fields to him she went,
Saying, “Tell me what they ca’ thee?
Or else I’ll mourn and rue the day,
Crying, Alas ! that ever I saw thee!”

“ Some ca’ me this some ca’ me that,
I carena fat befa’ me!
For when I’m at the schools o’ France,
An awkward fellow they ca’ me.”

“Waes me now, ye awkward fellow,
And, alas! that ever I saw thee:
Wi’ you I’m in love, sick, sick in love
And I kenna weel fat they ca’ thee.”