Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1827.pdf/21

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The Literary Gazette, 30th June 1827, page 429

The queen-like countess on the deck,
    The royal youth beside:
And all was bright, as the White Ship
    Cut through the sparkling spray;
Though still her shadow, omen like,
    Dark on the waters lay.

One long, wild shriek—that hidden rock!
    The ship has perished there:—
"Back with you all, out with the boat,
    Save England's royal heir."
"Pause, on your lives!" Back sprung the prince
    Upon the shattered deck:
"My sister!" Safely in his arms
    He bore her from the wreck.

Cold, pale, the morning slowly broke;
    Upheld upon the mast,
Two, only two, remained to tell
    What in that night had past.
The one was master of that ship,
    That fair ship nothing now—
O never more he'll set her sails,
    Or guide her stately prow!
He thought but of his royal freight:
    "Is he among the dead?"
"I saw," the other said, "the wave
    Close o'er Prince Henry's head."
"And who shall to our native shore
    The dismal tidings bear;
And tell the king he has no son,
    The throne it has no heir?"
"Not I, not I, my noble prince,
    At least I'll share thy grave:"
The master loosed his hold and plunged
    Beneath the fated wave.

Wo was in merry England,
    A deep and lasting wo—
A father wept above the sea,
    His children slept below.L. E. L