Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1827.pdf/22

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The Literary Gazette, 18th August 1827, page 539


And this is all I have left now,
    Silence and solitude and tears;
The memory of a broken vow,
    My blighted hopes, my wasted years.

There hangs your lute; the wandering wind
    Will hence its only master be;
But never may its numbers find
    More wandering master than in thee.

My falcon it has slipped its hand—
    Afar your faithless gift has flown;
The bird which fed from my own hand,
    Alas, its stay is like your own!

You swore to me yon starry ranks
    Should sooner leave their homes above;
Yon river change its native banks,
    Than you forget your early love.

Each starry world its station keeps
    In night's blue empire as before;
The same our native river sweeps—
    In vain—for I am loved no more.

I will go weep, till rose and blue
    Alike from cheek and eye depart,
A faded flower,—and then adieu.
    My own false hopes and thy false heart.
L. E. L.