Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1827.pdf/8

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The Literary Gazette, 31st March 1827, page 204



Spirit of the midnight dream,
    What is now upon thy wing?
Earth sleeps in the moonlight beam;
    O'er that sleep what wilt thou fling?

Many a vain and shadowy thought,
    All of daylight's hope and fear,
Mind's strange workings, have I brought
    On the sleeper's eye and ear.

There were some who prayed me give
    Respite short from grief and pain;
Some few who but sought to live
    Pleasure's fleeting hour again.

Past I o'er a purple tent,
    Down and odours wooed my stay;
But remorse and hate were sent—
    Guards to banish me away.

Reached I next a lonely tower,
    Pale, like him, a lamp burnt there,
While its master past the hour
    O'er his scroll of learned care.

Marvelled I that he should spend
    Thus the hours of my sweet reign;
When his labours find their end,
    He will find, too, they were vain.

Tears were in the soft dark eyes
    Where I once had loved to rest;
Love had banished me, and sighs
    Told he was less quiet guest.