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The Pope ſtrange Wonders of his Keys may tell,
But you command his Paradiſe, or Hell.

Thou, in thy Time, haſt many Circles run,
Both Good and ill, in thy Adventures, done.
Your Courſe of Life is like a Pilgrim State,
But adds no Knowledge to thy thoughtleſs Pate:
As Squires, who travel half the Globe around,
Wiſe as before on their Return are found.
Ere thou waſt mine, thou, like a Stateſman's Heart,
Or veering Winds, couldſt play'd a different Part,
The Loyal Subject, or the Rebel act,
Defend the Church, or propagate a Sect.
Oft haft thou pled an injur'd righteous Cauſe,
Oft falſly ſworn, oft made pernicious Laws;
For Parliament unfaithful Members choſe,
And, in Debate, for either Queſtion roſe;
Too oft oppos'd the Meaſures of the Court,
Then, ſhifting Sides, with Zeal haſt voted for't,
Oft in the Field for Liberty haſt fought,
And Poſts and Honours for the Worthleſs bought

O! may thy laſt great Actions, when thou’rt gone,