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The Laſt Guinea:

Make rich Amends and former Crimes attone!
When thou art chang'd, exert for me thy Pow'r,
In deeds, a Guinea ne'er eſſay'd before.
The World you know, each old Acquaintance find,
Search every Treaſure, gather every Friend,
'Till ſhining Bright with Thouſands in thy Train,
Thou com'ſt triumphant to my Purſe again.
If Monarch like, you bring attendant Bands,
Thy Praiſe ſhall eccho from my buſy Hands,
And, when whole Heaps uncelebrated lie,
You ſhall be ſung in Verſe that ne'er cau die.

As when a Conſul, Victor in the War,
Return'd to Rome, in a triumphant Car,
'Midſt valiant Legions marching in Array,
And Captive Nations, to renown the Day,
The City hail'd him with deſerv'd Applauſe,
Nor dy'd his Honours with the loud Huzza's;
For Arches roſe to ſee the Hero paſs,
And ſtill he lives a Conqueror in Braſs.
