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And gath’ring Water to ſupply the Main,
The Vales and Mountains of their Moiſture drain;
Proud of their Treaſure, muſically glide,
And loſe the whole Collection in the Tide:
Till warm'd by Day, they riſe in ſhining Clouds,
Then viſit Mortals in deſcending Floods,
And paying Hills and Dales the Debts they owe,
Their former Channels narrow Banks o'erflow.

The ſilent Main wakes by a gentle Breeze,
And high-blown Winds torment the lab'ring Seas,
The Stocks ſerene ſo Whiſpers diſcompoſe,
And make them die myſterious as they roſe.
If Rumours fly, imported from afar,
Of faithleſs Tyrants, or a riſing War,
Then ſtrange Convulſions they begin to feel,
Embroil'd by Fame, from high to low they reel.
Then you may Periſh, founder'd in the Storm;
For what canſt thou, in ſuch diſtreſs, perform?
Yet go thou muſt, tho Storms, by pow'rful Force,

Thou'd daſh my Hopes, in thy advent'rous Courſe.
