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The Laſt Guinea

But ere we Part, my beſt Inſtructions take:
O mind them well, and mind them for my Sake
"If envious Blaſts the Golden Sea controul,
"And perſecute the Partner of my Soul,
"Some mighty Neptune, who commands the Deep
"At thy Requeſt, will bid the Tempeft ſleep.
"George is a Great, a powerful, Peaceful Lord,
"Empires are huſh, if he but ſpeak the Word.
"But if that God allow the Waves to roar,
"Retreat to Africk's hoſpitable Shore;
"The Land, where Trojans cou'd a Dido find,
"While Chandos rules, muſt be a Stranger's Friend
"If forc'd from thence, by ſome ſevere Decree,
"May Harborough thy wiſht for Latium be,
"Or ſeek a bleſt Aſylum here at home,
"And let York-Buildings be, where Hammond is thy Dome.
"If ſtill the Pow'rs ſhou'd croſs thy fond Deſign
"Humbly retire e’en to a Copper Mine.
"O! be not proud, for (as the Poets tell)

"The Sybil led Aeneas down to Hell.